
Friday, September 21, 2012

Did I really never share these pictures?

Sometimes I go through phases where I post photos on facebook and forget to on my blog.  However, I don't like facebook nearly as much--so here are some that I truly madly deeply love...

I can't get over his tiny freckles on his nose.

And PS.

I wonder if I am the only house that the Tooth Fairy forgets to come to 2 nights in a row? 


  1. He's such a cutie. What a snuggly picture, I love it!

  2. He's such a cutie. What a snuggly picture, I love it!

  3. Oh, out tooth fairy forgot for 5 days. When we finally got around to remembering, Kathryn looked at the dollar and said "Didn't this come out of daddy's wallet? The tooth fairy isn't REAL???" And that was the end of that.


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.