
Monday, October 8, 2012

a weekend and cooking from the farmer's market

I am stoked for this week.  I had a really good weekend where we did NOTHING but watch General Conference and prep meals for the week and go to a darling Tea Shop where I got some organic orange-mint-chocolate tea that I am in love with.  Aaron just got me a french press so I could make loose herbal tea instead of using the tea bags.  Did you know that tea has a really short shelf-life?  So basically when you buy the bags at the grocery store it's already dead.  Nice. 

And then on Friday I was gifted a glorious cookbook that I have gone nuts over thus far.  Over the weekend we took a few hours and roasted beets, butternut squash, potatoes, peppers, and cauliflower in preparation for meals to make it quick and simple each night.  Wanna hear ( what we are having?  OF COURSE YOU DO! 

+Butternut Squash Soup with Chipotle 
+Baked Chili Rellenos/Guacamole/Mexican Corn 

+Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary/Steak
+Golden Beet and Blue Cheese Risotto
+Sauteed Apples with Pork Chops/Maple-Glazed Roasted Root Vegetables
+Pesto Pizza/Shaved Rhubarb Salad with Almonds and Cheese
+Chicken Provencal/Golden Cauliflower Gratin with Capers

and for dessert:
+Lime Curd Bars with Coconut Crust

And yes.  This is an invite to dine with us. 


  1. All of it sounds delicious....I wish my hubby was interested in cooking like this with a result I don't cook much. :( If I lived closer, I would definitely come over to eat. :)

  2. I'm thinking I would pay good money to eat at your house. It all sounds delicious!


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.