
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So many happenings around here...

 (love this witch's curtain)

CHANGE is in the air!  Do you feel it?  Maybe it's the wind...  But whatev.  I'm gonna go with it. 

+  It's AUTUMN.  The leaves are gorgeous!  I have yet to hit the pumpkin patch with the kids but it is going to happen rain or shine!  (For Seattle, that most likely means rain...heehee.)

+  For those who are locals and love my mad photography skills, I just started a new referral program!  If you refer someone and they complete their session with me, THEY get a $50 print credit and SO DO YOU! Sweet!

+ I recently started a program where I have eliminated all sugar, gluten, dairy.   It's basically the South beach Diet Phase 1 but a little stricter with some cool protein shakes involved.  I don't even know how to define how much better I feel.  My body is totally detoxing and the consistent energy that I feel/level of stress evened out is an obvious difference in my life.  I feel thankful to experience it.

+ We just bought tickets to Florida for early December to go to DISNEY WORLD (and to see the family)! We will most likely be hitting Universal Studio's more (hello Harry Potter!) but we are so psyched.  Do you want to know WHY we are so psyched?  As if going isn't awesome enough? Tickets were WAY cheap and since Aaron hit the jackpot last year by giving up some airline seats to get free ticket vouchers--we only had to pay for ONE ticket.  ONE. From Seattle to Florida.  Flipp'n awesome. 

+I started selling Mary Kay.  Oh my gosh I cannot believe I am writing that (and saying it out loud--just imagine!).  I know everyone says, "I never thought I would ever do this and I laughed at the idea but it is super fulfilling and rewarding and so forth."  But truth be told, I really laughed at it.  Not because it's a bad thing--but because I am so crazy busy with full time property managing/photography that one more thing seemed insane to do.  But then they offered an awesome deal for a starter kit--so truth be told that's why I am doing it.  I love their stuff, always have, so why not, right?  SO...if you want anything--I'm your gal:)  PS.  Jackie is such a sweet-talker (almost a director!) and since she laughed before she signed up too, I figured we were on the same page:)


  1. Good luck with all your new adventures!

  2. Ya can't get much stricter than SBD phase 1!!! More power to ya!

  3. I wanna go to Harry Potter World! Maybe next year....


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.