
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Original DIY Burlap Gift Bow Post

 WAY back in December 2010 I did a gift wrap post on For The Love.  To my surprise, it kinda went viral.  I actually emailed Sarah that, "I know this is probably a lame gift wrapping idea but hopefully it will work for you and sorry!"  She assured me it was a cool idea and posted it and since then I've seen it on Pinterest a ton and other blogs every year because apparently burlap never goes out of style. 

BUT due to her new blog format, that guest post doesn't seem to have a direct link to it anymore if you just search or click on the pins.  So! I thought I would be awesome as a possum and put the directions on here if you were interested. 

You can see my gift wrap from last year here.  

I wonder what I will come up with THIS year? Let's all pray it has nothing to do with my new favorite thing called homemade puffy paint.  Seriously.  Pray. 

Original Guest Post Below:

I am the oldest from a family of 11 children.  With at least one birthday a month, I am not ashamed to admit that pillowcases and newspapers were frequently used to wrap presents.  Although I do like pretty paper for sure, this year I tried to think about that same childhood simplicity and incorporate my love of fabrics. 
After buying the brown kraft paper (paper grocery bags would work perfectly), I hit my stash of fabric and pulled out a few different kinds with textures and colors that I thought would work well together. (I buy linens and drapes at the thrift store for fabric a lot!)
This gift wrapping idea is ridiculously easy, which is very necessary in my busy life right now!
1. Use pinking sheers to cut 9 strips 1/2-3/4 inches wide:  For length cut 3 at 10 inches, 3 at 9 inches, 2 at 8 inches, and 1 at 6 inches.  (You can use a variety of lengths for different size bows)

2. Loop each end around and staple the middle.

 3. Hot glue largest to smallest alternately to make the bow.  Loop that last one into a round circle and glue in the center.  Buttons look really cute in the center, too.
I used canvas, burlap, and a sheer stiff cotton (a curtain at the thrift store) for fabric.  As long as it has some sturdiness to it to show the fold, it will work.  You can see the difference in stiffness between the canvas and sheer cotton in the picture.  Pinking sheers gives it a really nice finished edge.  Sky is the limit with fabric choices and colors. 
I love grouping them together to show the texture.  Add some yarn and an old-fashioned tag and it completes the ensemble. Using the hot glue makes them easy to peel off the paper, so they are definitely re-usable!  


  1. It's the sheer charm of the materials, and the way you thought of grouping them together! Happy Thanksgiving in advance. :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing this! I made my very own burlap bows this weekend - I linked your tutorial on my blog feature on gift wrapping if you would like to stop by and take a peek at how mine turned out!

    Merry Christmas -


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