
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Let A New Year Bring Kindness

(print found in this shop)

On Christmas Eve Day I had to get some last minute grocery shopping done and went to Trader Joe's. I knew I had to go to another store and I was rushing, but at the last minute I decided to also buy a gift card.  After checking out I hurriedly handed it to the lady in line behind me and said Merry Christmas and left.  

It was one of those moments when I wasn't sure if she needed it--or if it was a huge blessing--or if it was just a simple act of kindness that made her day--or if she even cared.   I won't ever know--but these are the little warm fuzzy moments in life that I treasure.  So much in fact that it actually made me cry when I got into my car.  I felt such gratitude to have experienced the type of thrill that giving can make me feel.   

I write this not to give myself a pat on the back (please don't take it that way), but as a reminder to myself that even little things can make a difference.  Sometimes they use the term "Seattle Freeze" implying that people who live here are a little less friendly than other places.  I admit that I have often felt that way, but it has made me even more aware of my actions and thoughts regarding my neighbors and strangers around me on the streets.  We all feel pain and heartache and love and laughter and we are in this world let's be kind, shall we? 

Have you done a random act of kindness lately or has one been done for you?  One of my favorite memories of one done to me I wrote about here.

I hope this coming year brings an abundance of them! 


  1. What a cool thing to do! In the quiet heart is hidden. If nothing else you made her feel touched.

  2. This article warmed my heart about creating a town that is kind:


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.