
Monday, January 28, 2013

so my husband got a new job

print found here

After Rowdy finished Grad School he started a business called Pro-Use Produce.  It does all sorts of good and is a fantastic non-profit organization.  Still, we have gone back and forth with the idea of him getting a different job while still maintaining it on the side.  We decided that he would start looking at the beginning of this year, and as fate would have it--a job fell into his lap.  One that he wouldn't have gone searching for, but that will provide for us in the way we need.  He was offered the job last Wednesday and began today.  It was a complete rush of getting child care for the kids after school and scheduling and planning and "holy cow we can pay off the cars!" kind of insanity.

My "job" just got twice as hard because I no longer have a helper who works at home.  I somehow have to manage office work and my photography and kids and home--without my right hand man around to help.  I was HOPING this day would come, but with that sudden reality I have been overwhelmed with the fear of accomplishing this all by myself.

But I am grateful.  Oh-so-grateful for this new phase in our life which inches us that much closer to some goals of ours. It's going to be tough.  I will probably be even more tired than usual.  But I will thank my Father in Heaven for this blessing every single exhausted day.

Horray for a new job! 


  1. Congratulations! Wishing you more financial security!

  2. Congratulations! And good luck!! You are rock star and you can do anything!

  3. Sounds like more than fate was at hand with the job landing in his lap as it did...

    I hope everything goes great for both of you!


  4. Oh yay!! Doesn't it feel good to see your husband out there bringing in the dough. Hubs got a job and it has done wonders for his self esteem. Way to go!

  5. Congratulations! You can do it! You are quite the woman! (And remember Nutella is never too far away when you need it!) :)

  6. Congrats and Good luck with everything! And you will be able to handle it. Because that's what Supermoms do! :)

  7. congratulations on the new job! I am sure you will both do just fine!!!


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