
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Going's On


2 posts in one week?  This is amazing.

+ I have the BEST idea for my birthday and I can't wait to share how it goes.  I just hope it works...

+ Last night our waitress came to our table and told me that all the tables around us were talking about us.  I was a little confused, but she said they all loved how they heard my son say, "Daddy, do you think Mom is HOT?"  Thank goodness Rowdy said YES:) 

+ We saw the movie Oz The Great and Powerful and totally loved it.  But we also saw it in Imax 3D and I honestly think that is the only way to go or else it's not half as cool.

+ I'm pretty dang sure I'm going on a trip to NYC soon with some of my favorite girls. 

+ My cheap phone shuts off all the time.  I have to go get another replacement.  It's taking everything I have not to sign a new contract and go with an IPHONE.  Maybe the birthday angels will hear my plea.

+ Spring is coming.  Maybe?  I hope it is for all of us:) 

+ Thinking of going the Natural Egg Dying route this year.  I am such a hippy these days.  You?


  1. Happy Birthday to you on your upcoming birthday! Haven't seen OZ yet, but looking forward to seeing it. Go for the natural dye! Just as pretty!

  2. We saw Oz in a little dinky theater and we agree with you. The entire movie we kept saying "that would have been so cool in 3D"

    Happy Birthday!!!!!

  3. I REALLY wanna go see the Oz movie. Don't get out much lately!


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.