
Thursday, April 4, 2013

just to let you know

I am no longer ghetto-phoning-it and I got an IPHONE!  Praise be to the phone angels.  And praise be to my husband, of course, since he got it for me.

Therefore I am also on Instagram and I might be obsessed with it for awhile.

You can follow me at  

My birthday was really good.  But I definitely ate too much and so I must go rest my gluttonous belly now...

Peace out.

Happy 32 years to me. 


  1. So guess what? I TOTALLY GOT ONE TOO!!!! My other phone went ka-blooie so I got my birthday present early. :)
    I'll follow you on instagram! I'm herolondon.

  2. Congratulations! I don't know what I would do without mine. Have fun with it!

  3. Hope you had a good one! And a present that keeps on giving.



Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.