
Friday, August 24, 2012

PLEASE VOTE FOR ROWDY and Pro-Use Produce!

Hello friends!  If you feel any semblance of love for me and for the good that Rowdy is doing with his organization to use donated, surplus produce (that would be thrown away) to make dehydrated products to feed kids in need...could you VOTE for him to receive this awesome grant?  (Here's my recent post about the biz)

I know it takes a couple minutes of your time, but I would be so very grateful... the video is not awesome (my fault!) --but it tells the story, basically:) 

***You do have to register to vote...but you can totally unsubscribe after all is done so you don't receive any emails. The registration went to my email, and I had to click on that link to officially vote.

Vote HERE! 

“All projects with over 50 votes will make it to the final round of judging by the Awesome Food Trustees for a chance to win $1,000. The project with the most votes will win a tour of the Food Network and lunch with an Awesome Trustee.”

1 comment:

  1. I voted! I think I shall go and share on facebook - on my blog's page as well as my personal facebook page.


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