
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas through Brianna's eyes

Brought to you by her new Ipod Touch via Santa(which neither parent has, btw, so someone is spoiled, just say'n)...

Our Tree

Kai playing his new game system--shirtless as always

 Eggnog French Toast

Brianna and her loot

Cheese platter before Dinner

Antique Blue Jars filled with a snow scene.  My Mom got me 4 earlier this year--and without knowing about them or seeing them--my MIL got me 1 for Christmas to now make 5!

It was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie, thanks for your sweet comment, AND for coming out of the blog closet:) Save those pennies and get that painting, girl!

    cute blog!


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.