(game found here)
We have a thing for Donkey's around here. Rowdy has always said that he knows a movie will be funny if there is a donkey in it, and it's a sure thing. He has hysterically been raising our children to believe in donkey love as well. Every day on the drive to school, we pass a donkey. It's in a random barn in the middle of suburbia and if you see the donkey--it means your day will be lucky. It's as though we have our own 4 legged fortune teller for free.
As fate would have it, I got Rowdy this Retro Donkey Racing Game at World Market for Christmas and it is hilarious. I figured it would be a simple board game, but it has all sorts of donkey-hilaria. Yes. That is a word.
If you land on certain spaces you have to say, "Hee-Haw" and you can literally get kicked off the "ass" and have to "walk the rest of the way". I about died when we got to the part where you have to go uphill. It's not easy, my friends. Donkey's are slooooooooooooooooowwwwww.
So! Basically--today since we saw the donkey on the way to school, I wish you luck and donkey love. And go buy that game.
That sounds like an awesome game! And that is a good theory about donkey movies = funny movie. I am going to be aware of it from now on.