
Monday, February 4, 2013


I'm gonna put something out here...and I may just get some serious backlash from it...but it's been on my mind and I can hardly stand keeping it in anymore.

I don't like facebook.

I have been on it an inordinate amount of time as of late and it  I don't feel fulfilled after logging out. I feel like I am participating, or not participating, in a conversation that I probably wouldn't have in real life.  My status updates include funny things my kids say.  And sometimes I pose a significant "where do I find?..." question.  But other than that, nothing awe inspiring and certainly not worthy of the effort it takes to type it.

Yesterday was filled with a "I'm watching the superbowl" and "I'm better than that and not watching the superbowl" commentary and it just irked me.  The political debates were out of control.  And don't even get me started on the TMI  updates.  

What is with the "likes?"  Does it mean you agree what I wrote?   It's like standing in front of someone after they say something and saying NOTHING back and just smiling and nodding your head.  What does that even mean? 

I have tried to find a balance with it.   I want to remain on it it for the reason that very few of my friends blog anymore and it's the only access I have into their lives.  So, I WANT to like this social media outlet and yet, I consistently find myself disappointed.

Is there some sort of medium ground?  Is there a way to keep facebook in my life without the constant inward battle of annoyance? 

Do tell! 


  1. I gave up FB for my New Years Resolution and I haven't missed it one bit. It's actually been a relief to not read all that nonsense!

  2. I use FB as a way to stay in touch with family and friends I wouldn't otherwise be caught up on. I like being able to see what the people I don't get to see are doing...

    Having said that, you'e right. It can be annoying. What I do is limit my friends and ignore people who post in ways that bother me.


  3. I unsubscribed from updates for many, many, MANY of my friends. You don't have to unfriend them, just unsubscribe from their updates so you don't see any of the annoying crap. Cause, let's face it, it's mostly the same people that post the annoying crap, right?

    I like it as a tool to keep in touch with extended family and friends. But other than that... meh.

  4. I don't know! I feel the same way as you ! I hate most of the share stuff and most of the game stuff. I use it as a way to get ahold of people. I don't have to worry that I will lose all my contacts because Facebook has them. Good luck!

  5. I joined only because of my calling with the youth - it's the best/only way to keep in touch with them. I like it though because of the pictures but hate the likes of random stranger pics that clutter my feed (and do people not notice when they like some group's meme or photo that has a swear word or sex act as their group's title? Because I do and it makes me crazy!)

  6. Hey, I'm an official reader now! :) So, you know your brother dislikes it for his own reasons, and over the last few months (beginning with the Presidential elections), I've been increasingly disappointed by what I see posted, and have been on it less and less. Although as disappointed as I may be with what I sometimes see, and as flawed or nonsensical some FB attributes are, I've now come to realize that I signed up for this social platform and if I choose to stay connected, I have to understand that I can't control what others feel obliged to share about their personal lives/opinions. I can however, control my reaction/perception to what I read, how much of it I allow myself to digest, and who I choose to keep up on. I see it as just another avenue for people to share their thoughts, knowledge and life happenings regardless of time or space that separates us. That said, if someone chooses to stay connected, but also understands what they have the power to do (or not do for that matter), they’ll be doing themselves a huge favor. Also for sure … unsubscribing is a beautiful thing! :)

  7. I hear you. It's a love hate thing for me.

    Also, why is it that blogging kind of died? My reader is practically a grave yard. :(

  8. Helen B-- your wisdom astounds me.
    Especially since I wasn't sure how wise you were by marrying my brother:)

  9. I also wish I could LIKE all of these comments:)

  10. Instagram. It is the happy medium.
    Do you have a smart phone yet?

  11. Aimee--one day I will get a smartphone and be a cool instagram-er like you.

  12. I am a little behind on this post because I just found your blog but I have had the same struggles! I hate it but can't seem to just not go on it. I had a friend who stopped using it for 3 months. During that time, she realized she didn't know what was going on with people, no one called her to check up on her. She felt totally cut off from the world because everyone is on facebook! It's annoying that it's that way really. Because I use it as advertising for my photography, I have to go on for that. And then I get stuck on it reading everyone else's stuff. It's so time consuming! I have like no discipline! I hope you have been able to find a medium!


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.