
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Raw Milk + A Chocolate Class + Other Ramblings

  (picture and more info found here)

Oh my gosh I have so much to say and I don't even know where to begin. So, I'm gonna do the usual and highlight my amazing thoughts one at a time, k?

+ Did you know I am passionate about RAW Milk?  I've been passionate for a few years now, but this week was the first time I actually tried it.  It's not at my local grocery store, so I have to travel to pick it up and it's never been convenient or worth the trip.  I have considered doing a co-op thing with farms who have drop-off locations, but before I attempted that I decided I needed to drink the stuff.  It's amazing.  Pure nutrition--not pasteurized which kills all the good stuff--and it tastes great.'s $10 a gallon.  Can I justify such a huge purchase?  You may be shocked to hear ABSOLUTELY.  Just wishing our cows weren't so snobby here in Washington because apparently it's cheaper living in other states. 

+ I missed Nutella Day on February 5th.  It was a TRAGEDY.  But, kiddos were sick and I'm still juggling this whole Rowdy's new job thing and I just plain missed it.  Brianna asked me yesterday, "so when is Nutella Day, Mom?"  She about died with horror when I told her we missed it.  Poor girl--gonna have to make it up to my family somehow!

+ Apparently our two boy geckos are really a boy and a girl gecko.  Last night we found that Kiwi laid an egg put there by no other than the sleazy Tang who would always bite (the now her).  I was am totally grossed out by this.  

+ Rowdy is going to New Orleans for a business trip in a few weeks.  WHAT THE NOT FAIR?!  I have no idea how he managed to weasel his way into going but not only do I have to handle this exhausting life completely by myself for an entire week, I'm gonna have to hear about amazing food and fun that I can't partake in.  ((SIGH))  I love New Orleans.  

+ I am wanting to get a group together for a chocolate dipping class.  10 or more people and we get a 10% discount on the price--so any takers local in the Seattle area?  Email me!


  1. I wish I could get raw milk. Too much money!

    And a chocolate dipping party????
    NO. FAIR.

  2. I just don't like milk. But my daughter loves it. We get our milk from a local dairy, and I have to tell you, your cows are seriously cheating you. Our milk (raw or not) is a dollar more than the grocery store stuff.
    Sorry about New Orleans. There is no way you can wrangle your way into going with him?!


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.