
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Walk MS 2013 and I am making you a pie!

Hello my lovelies!

This is the post where I tell you that I am doing the MS Walk in Seattle on April 14th for Rowdy.  I'd love it if you could join me by either walking with me here, walking where you are (they are nationwide!), donating, or sending good vibes our way. I always feel so sheepish asking for money (even if it is such an amazing personal cause), so I want to be clear that support comes in many many ways and I am so super grateful for all efforts in the last 7 years for Rowdy and our family.  Words cannot express how much.

To get this thing going, I have a HUGE incentive for you.  If you walk anywhere in the US, or if you donate, I am sending you a pecan pie. Like the one I make for my pie parties.  I am not kidding. I'll hand deliver it if you live in the area or I am priority shipping it to you:) 

Walk and/or Donate = You Get This Pie


PS.  Here are some of my thoughts on this yucky disease over the years.   Not a really fun read, but MS is not really fun anyway:)

PPS. I did this post without crying!  Success!

1 comment:

  1. I can't do the walk for health reasons (lupus doesn't allow me to be in the sun), but this is a wonderful cause, and I wish you well.

    And your pie looks amazing!



Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.