
Monday, August 13, 2012

Pro-Use Produce Giveaway!

My husband's website is up and awesome!  Check it out!  I wrote about the beginning stages here, but it's become even better because the focus is now on feeding children in need.

Basically what they do is take donated surplus fruit from farmer's markets/grocery stores (a lot is organic) that would be thrown away, dehydrate it to make it non-perishable, and then with every bag bought they donate 2 servings to kids in need.  What's left after prepping to dehydrate is even composted--so there is NO WASTE.  The organization's purpose is to feed kids in need healthy snacks, and they do that by using what would be wasted.  Really, it's insane what stores toss just because it's no longer a shiny apple!  We're in some Seattle locations and there is the online store as well so anyone anywhere can order it. 

PLUS-- it tastes GOOD! 

(dried mangos, bananas, kiwis)

Want to try some?
Here's how to gain entries to get a bag (choose from the online store)...

 You can get up to 3 entries by 

1) Leaving a comment
2) Liking their facebook page (leave a comment telling me you did)
3) Tweeting, pinning, or blogging about it (leave a comment telling me you did with the link)

(dried apples)

I'll pick a winner on Friday! 


  1. I want to support PUP! What a great concept. We were at a high-end grocery in downtown Seattle towards the end of the evening when they were pulling stuff out of the glass cases that they said they had to toss every night if it didn't sell, and I looked at the prices of it with my tummy growling hungry and wishing I could have it for free. Everything felt so wrong about it. I asked a clerk if there was a food bank they at least could donate it to or something and she said it was company policy. She said that she hated that part of her job, too.

  2. Yes!! I want to try this stuff!



  4. I love this idea and the waste it saves.


  5. How do you dehydrate the fruit so it's soft but dry?

  6. Tweeted:

  7. Bridget--it really just amounts to the drying time. A lower temp at a slower time makes it really chewy. PLUS--the riper the fruit (which is what they get), the more caramelized it becomes making it softer.

  8. Pick me! Oh, Oh pick me. I never eat at Denny's I swear! And I am linking it to my facebook page! Good luck. Hope it helps get the word out. Is he going to start his own facebook page then we can like it and join to get up dates?

    Laura Jones

  9. ohh that's exciting! it sounds really cool. good for him! we may have to try this :)

  10. What an awesome idea!


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.