
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Laugh for You & Other Important Things

+ Listen to THIS. I literally rolled in laughter when I heard it.

+ Random funny and creepy quote from Kai... I had hidden a bag of chocolate donuts/candy on the highest shelf in the pantry for a baby shower that I was throwing later in the week.  One day on the way to the car Kai was begging for sweets--as usual--and mentioned those items.  I asked how did he even know that we had them?  He looked at me fiercely with all seriousness and said, "Mom.  I'm everywhere."

+ I'm really taken aback at how popular my green smoothie tip has been!  Over 12,000 pins so far---and they keep on coming.  You people must really like green smoothies! Can I tell you a secret?  I haven't had one in a week and I have a gallon bag of those spinach cubes in my freezer.  I'm going to my corner of shame now...

+ This day is important, of course, and 9-11 will always have an impact on my life.  HERE is a video that I posted last year that blew me away--a story of New Yorkers helping one another--one rarely told. And my experience of that day that I will never forget.  

I hope this day is a happy one for all of you.  I think daily laughter is important--especially on days like this:)


  1. I remember watching that video last year, and it was one of the most touching I've seen.



  2. "Mom, I'm everywhere." Ha ha ha ha!!!

    Oh omnipresent Kai. What a crack-up!


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.