
Monday, September 17, 2012

remember when?

Remember when I used to post every day?

Remember when I used to post 3x a week?

Remember when I just skipped random weeks altogether?

Okay.  So I am here in this life of totally random posting once in a blue moon.  I wish I posted more.  I wish I had TIME to post more.  I wish I had stuff to even post about:)  Frankly, I don't even know who reads this little corner of the Internet any more.  Have a lost you already?  Please be patient with me.  I'm trying to get this life of mine together.  

On the meantime...

Fall is coming and I am finally ready.  I have been putting it off because Summer started so late here, but I am ready for hot chocolate and scarfs and fuzzy socks in place of my flip-flops.  The tops of the trees are changing into gorgeous vibrant reds and oranges and I say bring it on!  

Dear Fall, I'm happy to be falling for you once again.

And here's a picture of a newborn photo session I did recently.  I die of cuteness overload.  The clock is set at the exact time she was born:) See more HERE.



  1. I still read your little corner of the world! Someday, I'll be at one of your pie parties. We're talking bucket list, here.

    ADORABLE picture! I love it!

  2. What a cute idea for a baby picture.


  3. of course i still read! i love your posts :) also, i am so very ready for fall too. and that picture is precious!


Let's be friends. But only if you have a name. And like chocolate.