Thursday, September 17, 2009

why long eyelashes are totally over-rated

Hubby said to me the other day as we were looking at a picture of a girl in a magazine, "your eyes look like hers. Oh wait. No. She has long eyelashes. Why don't YOU have long eyelashes?"

"Well I don't know.....dear. (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) Maybe it's because everyone in Hollywood wears fake eyelashes and maybe you should consider how lucky you are to not be married to someone who's plastic."

My lack of eyelashes have come up frequently in my lifetime.

There was that one time when my mom decided to start eating green chilies for her third pregancy and every baby came out with long eyelashes after that. My brother and me? Being the first and second and not the third, not so much.

Then there was that moment when I had my own baby and wished and wished and wished that she would have eyelashes like her daddy. And thankfully she did.

And then there is the issue with the lash curler. Apparently you HAVE to use one before you put on mascara. But what if it's pointless to use one because you have no lashes to curl? Do they make a curler for that? I didn't think so.

Well frankly, I'm tired of long eyelashes being such a freak'n deal. It's time to put away the myth that stubby eyelashes are wrong somehow. They can be cool too, you know.

For instance

I have twice as few eyelashes that get into my eye. enough said.

My make-up routine requires one less step because ta-da -- no need for the lash curler!

Way less goopy mascara sitting on my lids.

Those extra-long-lash-appearing mascara commercials? Totally unapplicable so no need to buy the latest product = $ saved. cha-ching.

I just KNOW there is something else. But you get the idea.

Stubby eyelashes are the new pink, my friends.

Ya baby.


theamazingjohnsons said...

We're supposed to curl our lashes? This is news to me. Maybe I should start doing that.

Mo said...

i hear ya. mine are short AND blonde! eyelashes are totally over-rated!

Mary Seals said...

there's a prescription drug that you can get now that actually causes your eyelashes to grow longer and thicker. No joke. Called Latisse, I believe, and I want some. Used to have long eyelashes, but I lost them somewhere.... I think with my 2nd or 3rd baby

Rachel said...

I tried wearing false eyelashes once, just for kicks; they brushed against my glasses every time I blinked. Game over. ;)

Angie said...

Ok, too funny! So, I have long eyelashes and I'll give you the downside. I can't wear mascara without it looking crazy fake (or maybe I just don't know how to put it on, LOL). Also, my long lashes combined with my flat half asian face mean that my lashes get all flattened against my glasses when I wear them making blinking not so fun! So there, feel better?

Cortney said...

My eye lashes aren't blonde, they're transparent! So, I have worn mascara very nearly every day since the day my mom finally let me. And I will admit, I am one of those eye-lash-curling women who can use that silly little tool and do it without any pain or pinching or problems. Practice makes perfect. But I have yet to find a mascara that I truly love...and did you know that you can have fake eye lashes surgically implanted in your eyelid? Yup, my aunt did it. Funny thing too, every bride that I have photographed in the last year or more has worn fake eye lashes, patiently glued on one at a time between her own. It is a trend I'm afraid that is only getting more refined. Ah, sigh for those of us who must make do with so much less. I hear ya...

gkgirl said...

i have never curled my lashes...
i don't think mine are long...
no one has ever commented on them
so...yet my little brother...
got comments allll the time.

i can't wear mascara
(headaches...EVERYTHING gives me headaches...hahah)

and frankly...
i don't even care anymore.
i rarely even remember to put on lipstick when i leave the house...
(mainly cause its hard to fine a color that won't clash with my pajama pants...hahahahah...the life of the unemployed...)

Sarah said...

Oh yeah - my lack-of-lashes never bothered me so much growing up. But now, I live with Jordan and Juli - hello lashes! The contrast is ridiculous.

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