Sunday, June 24, 2007


I have decided that my blog is getting boring. Yes, the pictures are cute and my newly learned tidbits of how to grocery shop are, I hope, deliciously informative. But this blog needs something.....something that makes it so funny so that when you read it you think, "that Carrie..she is such a trip".....

Ahah! How about a joke?

You MUST say this in a southern accent:
One day Papa Mole stuck his head out of the hole in the ground and said "mmmmmm! I smell syrup!" Then Mama Mole stuck her head out of the hole in the ground and said, "mmmmmmm! I smell honey!" Then Baby Mole tried and tried to stick his head out of the hole in the ground
and finally said while he was gasping for breathe, "all I smell is molasses!"

Oh come on...that's hilarious!!!

1 comment:

mosiacmind said...

I stumbled upon your blog...and I liked your joke.

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