Monday, January 24, 2011

I think I might need to break out of my comfort zone

I started unpacking and hanging up my clothes and just had to take a picture of this!  Cracked me up.

Thankfully, I have since hung the rest up and my casual attire doesn't make it look so bad.  I have a couple pink shirts;)


likeschocolate said...

In use to have only about three colors in my closet which were black, navy, and white. Over he past two years I have since added many other colors. Though I always feel the pull of those three colors.

Jocelyn Christensen said...

that is so funny! I used to be like that, but I made a conscious effort to add color. Now my only problem is fitting into my clothes...oy!

Amy said...

Yeah my closet has a ton of those downeast basics "basic" shirts. Boring! I am starting to mix it up though. Remember what Stacy London on "What not to wear" says:
Texture, color, and print.
I think that's what she says.
Oh well.

Wendy said...

Color adds to life! Your photographs tell of color even when they monochromatic. Who knows maybe you'll start to wear the wonderful yellow you have on your blog. At least as an accent!

NatureGirl said...

Mine is the same. Various shades of gray and brown. Hubby too though. I guess we are both boring...but only on the outside! ;)

Pitterle Postings said...

Yep, you are brave!! There is no way that I would post pictures of my closet!! I am afraid to even go in there. I think I still have clothes from the eighties!~!!

Liz said...

Love it. So hard to break out. If I try, it never gets worn.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

LOL! Nice. I've been trying REALLY hard to avoid buying something if I already have something similar. It's hard when I like certain colors or styles. But it's been kind of fun too!

(like my gold, sparkly shoes :)

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