Monday, July 18, 2011

Okay. That was the shortest break ever.

(so dainty and fresh.  lightens my heart up a bit!)

Am I so lame?  I told Rowdy that I had taken a blogging break and he said, "Why would you do that?  You are lame."  Okay, okay, he didn't say I was lame.  But he was totally thinking that.  Definitely.  Maybe.

So now I think that I am lame for coming back from my break so early.  But I can't even tell you the perspective that I have gained in a weeks time.  It has felt like lessons learned over months--and applying that learning takes even more months--but it's true.  One week.  A pretty light bulb went off in my head. And I am ready. A small break in the large scheme of things has actually resulted in a confidence just daring enough to be read.

Here are some things that I have learned:

* I don't have to post every day.
* I don't have to take a picture to put on each post just because I think that it is the only way a post will be read.
* I don't have to worry that my blog doesn't have worthy content. What does that mean anyway?
* I don't have to feel bad if I don't comment on each and every blog that I follow just because I like comments myself.  It's nice--but let us all feel good about ourselves without comment reinforcement. Just know that I am reading--and loving you from a distance.
* I can be random without the pressure to write something witty and inspirational all the time because it's reality that I am not always witty and inspirational.   Sometimes I go through my day and say things like, "Today was not good.  All I did was work and eat a crappy dinner and go to bed."  See?  Not always inspirational. It's my blog.  MY blog. And I can let myself be.  
* My blog is not going to make money. Ever.  So I don't need to change anything to make it a lifestyle blog that does. Would be nice...but eh...I can't change what I am and what I want to give.  And if that makes me a blogger that is unworthy of blog conferences and attention, so be it. 
* I don't have to feel bad if someone un-follows me.  Not everyone clicks.  But when you do click--well then, it's worth more to me than the moments that we don't.
* There is so much to life that is worth writing.  There is so much to life that is worth photographing.  But sometimes there is so much more to life that is simply worth living.  Like picking up my best friend from the airport for a short 9 hour layover.  And eating and walking and experiencing without taking a single picture of it with my camera.  Because I just wanted to my heart...that I was there and that it was good and that I loved every minute.

I am back.  And I am better for being gone.


val of the south said...

Welcome back! I think your new perspective is great - One I greatly need to adopt. I just stopped blogging and I feel guilty. No more though...and who knows, I might even blog again! Thanks :)

Amy said...

It is amazing what a little time off can do for the mind, heart and soul. And though you may not feel inspirational or inspiring every day, you just might be to someone. Just sayin'.
I am glad you are back, and I am glad that you are blogging for YOU and not for fame or recognition or anything else. Blogs are the best that way, I think. They come from the heart more.

Sarah Larsen said...

Yay! I'm so glad you set some rules for yourself. I have to do this frequently. Can I tell you how many times I have decided to "give" up on blogging? I don't make any money either, and I still keep coming back. It's a good outlet, and we can't let others bring us down. You are SO talented Carrie. I die all the time over how many pins you got on those burlap bows. I mean poppytalk for heaven's sake! I only wish I could reach that level of sophistication. You and your blog are a gem, and I continue to read. (hoping to see a project or two :))

P.S. I always feel depressed for like the whole day when someone "unfollows" me. I swear it happens like once a day. I've gotta let that go!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back! Ack! I could really do with learning some of these lessons myself!

Christina said...

So glad you're back! And with great perspective! Thanks for sharing your lessons learned!

Andrea said...

I recently found your blog thru Power of Moms, and are glad you are back. Great insights. I'm lame and on a break too:) Although I still comment, which helps me feel better about it all.
Just thought I'd share some comment love.

Michelle {Fun On a Dime} said...

I love that there are a lot of posts all over the net like this summer. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! I love that everyone wants to take a bite more out of life and states their expectaions for everyone else to see. Thanks for being vocal!

Amy said...

Yay!!!! Yay for you. Yay for coming back. Yay for all your wisdom. And yay for just being the type of blogger you want to be instead of what you think the rest of the blogging world thinks you should be.

You're awesome! I loved this post.

Susan Anderson said...

I think you have it exactly right.


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