Thursday, June 2, 2011

Power of Moms Blog Contest

I was first introduced to The Power of Moms when my friend Amanda mentioned her involvement in it a long time ago.  I knew that if she was an advocate, it must be an amazing concept.  In fact, she has even gone so far as to form a learning circle of friends that visit together monthly (and which I am slightly envious of not being a part of.)

The title "The Power of Moms" says it all.  It is a strong advocate for this precious role of Motherhood and one that I would love to have more involvement in.

The Power of Moms

So this is where you come in.  I wonder, for so many reasons besides the fact that I could win a chance to go to their retreat for FREE, if my blog shows any inspiration in this regard? 

In some small way I hope that you can see how much I love being a Mom through the screen.  That you know how fiercely I love my children.  That you know that I do not take Motherhood lightly.  But also, how developing ME (my talents and passions) is an example that I want to give to my children. 

To create.  To grow.  To be honest.  To sometimes fail.  To get back up. To love. To learn.     

And I hope that what I express on this blog is what being a deliberate mother is all about.

I realize that my blog is often sarcastic.  My blog is often sad.  My blog is often dramatic and irritable and hopeful and happy.  I believe in showing more than the surface of life and sometimes that real-ness can be raw. But it is because of all of this that I show who I am as a Mother, and I believe...I strongly believe in the power of that.

So if you feel that my blog is worthy of such a nomination in any way, you can go here to say so. You have the chance to nominate 3 blogs, so even if I am not one of them (and that is perfectly okay, btw,) do it for those whom you feel are deserving!

Here is the criteria for eligibility:
•Written by a mom
•Full of inspirational ideas and replicable ideas that focus on deliberate mothering
•Applicable to a wide variety of moms – not focused on one particular religion, race, etc.
•Interesting and fun to read
•Current: updated at least 3x/week

Hopefully, I meet the criteria and if so, thanks so much;)

Vote for me HERE

Also, my dear friend Jenny is quite deserving, and since you can vote for 3, how about you give her some love, too?


Jenny P. said...

Your blog is so very deserving... I'm glad you posted about the contest. If you make it to the top ten, I'm gonna vote for you over and over and over.

(And thank you for the shout out, friend.)

Amy said...

I nominated you because you are amazing! Life hasn't always been easy on your family and you have such love and class that I think you're very deserving.

And you're nice. And you're my friend. And you got style. :)

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