Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just a little inspiration love

Considering it has been a bit rough around here and big changes are being made, I thought it would be nice to take a blog breather from serious posts...

Well, OBVIOUSLY, photography speaks to me more than any other art form, so here are some lovely photographs from one of my favorite artists nectar and light.

I am in love with these, and if I had the extra cash I would get them all. She descibes them as:

Inspired by the sweet light, la dolce luce, of the Italian coast and Tuscan region... memories that live like soft, hazy dreams within my soul...

seriously fantastic.

Her shop is only open for the summer, so August 31st is the last day to purchase a print. go. do it. now.

I am planning the GA reception for my bro-in-law next weekend. We're doing a Tuscan-Italian theme since he's 1/4 Italian. It will be simple and inviting by using so many things I already have in my possession. These photographs were just what I needed to get in the designing mind-frame as I am tackling "details" this week.

Just breathe it in.

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