Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A February Calendar

  (vintage LIFE Magazine cover circa Feb 1926)

Happy February!

I thought that I would share some very important dates this month in case you were unaware of some very important dates.

Feb 2nd - Groundhog Day.  This is perhaps the best day in the history of the world (besides about 10 others that are more important).   Not only do we have an animal that can predict the weather, but we have a movie to celebrate it. What could be better?

Feb 5th - Nutella Day.  Last year I sent out some packages to friends containing a jar of Nutella and a spoon.  Just the IDEA of opening a package like that sent me over the edge with joy.  I can't wait to figure out what to make on such a mighty fine day.  HERE is some inspiration.

Feb 14th - Valentine's Day.  Just about the worst day if you are single.  Just about the best day if you are in a relationship.  Just about an ordinary day for me that I am going to try to celebrate with gusto for Rowdy and my children's sake.   And oh.  It's my Dad's birthday.

Feb 20th - President's Day.  This is important for many reasons.  I am just going to have to figure them out because all I can think about is the fact that my kids are off school and I will have to entertain them while working...which is super hard. What's that?  You want to babysit for me?  Well...if you insist...

There now!  Don't you feel prepared for this extra special month?  You are welcome.


Jocelyn Christensen said...

And my mom's b-day is the 8th...thanks for the reminder! Can't wait to celebrate Nutella day...thanks to you, Party girl!

Susan Anderson said...

Thanks for the February rundown, though you forgot my daughter's bday on the 27th!


CB said...

OHHHHH Sweet Nutella day!!! Thanks!

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